SERVER_MAP MapUS Default: MapUS (Elmcreek), other official maps are: MapFR (Haut-Beyleron), MapAlpine (Erlengrat) SERVER_DIFFICULTY 3 Default: 3, start from scratch SERVER_PAUSE 2 Default: 2, pause the server if no players are connected 1, never pause the server SERVER_SAVE_INTERVAL ...
SERVER_MAP MapUS Default: MapUS (Elmcreek), other official maps are: MapFR (Haut-Beyleron), MapAlpine (Erlengrat) SERVER_DIFFICULTY 3 Default: 3, start from scratch SERVER_PAUSE 2 Default: 2, pause the server if no players are connected 1, never pause the server SERVER_SAVE_INTERVAL ...
SERVER_MAP MapUS Default: MapUS (Elmcreek), other official maps are: MapFR (Haut-Beyleron), MapAlpine (Erlengrat) SERVER_DIFFICULTY 3 Default: 3, start from scratch SERVER_PAUSE 2 Default: 2, pause the server if no players are connected 1, never pause the server SERVER_SAVE_INTERVAL ...