在3DM Mod站下载模拟农场22最新的Courseplay-FS22 v7.4.1.3(转载) Mod,由 Courseplay制作。3dm_20409759在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: Courseplay Mod版本: Mod大小: 3.16MB 更新时间: 2024-08-...
在3DM Mod站下载模拟农场22最新的FS22_Courseplay机翻-更新 Mod,由CP外网制作。 NotFound丶404在我们的平台上分享了这个免费且高质量的游戏模组,让玩家们可以享受到更加丰富的游戏体验。快来3DM Mod站下载并尝试吧! 详细介绍 Mod作者: CP外网 Mod版本: Mod大小: 3.07MB 更新时间: 2023-10-19 11:31...
机翻的文本 自己修改了下好方便理解 因为有些汉字在游戏里面显示不出来 所以我就替换掉了 可能和英文原意有些出路比如:顺时针 逆时针 改成了 从左往右 从右往左 岬角 改成了 地头(田地两头) 道具左右偏移 改成了 工具左右调整 探路者 改成了 路径生成github已经申请修改了 正在等待管理原审核 通过之后可以...
Download and Install Courseplay Beta 22 Since Courseplay is one of those mods that is updated every single day, it always stays in Beta. It is the best thing to always download it from Github in order to always have the latest version. However, it is important that you check the specific...
READ FIRST https://github.com/Courseplay/Courseplay_FS22/wiki Steps to reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior. This might be more of a enhancement than a bug. Using 2 overloaders on field 32 on elmcreek. I use the tac 2100 from modhub as overloader. Actual behavior A clear and conci...
Steps to reproduce Use combine unloader on irregularly shaped field Actual behavior Depending on field shape, position of combines and unloaders, there's high chance the grain cart will drive at least parts of its way outside the field. ...
(田地两头) 道具左右偏移 改成了 工具左右调整 探路者 改成了 路径生成 github已经申请修改了 正在等待管理原审核 通过之后可以直接在github下载 +3 分享206 模拟农场22吧 nidea4g FS22更新资讯:产业链及其相关图标原文人工翻译和P图: 许多玩家一直在努力寻找各种赚钱方式,而在 Farming Simulator 22 中玩家除了能...
服了~ https://www.kingmods.net/en/fs22/mods/26439/liebherr-lr-16002 分享1赞 模拟农场22吧 普罗米修斯2230 【汉化】Courseplay for FS22 v7.0.0.26 机翻的文本 自己修改了下好方便理解 因为有些汉字在游戏里面显示不出来 所以我就替换掉了 可能和英文原意有些出路 比如:顺时针 逆时针 改成了 从左往右...
<en>CoursePlay</en> 3 comments on commit 49ceae3 HansJDen commented on 49ceae3 Mar 29, 2024 Thanks for the great work. This update has been a giant step forward. It has been a great pleasure to work with harvester and unloader.🙌 Very big tumb up, from me.👍 Thanks Hans J...
Information for our translator: We updated some translaions and we thought it would be better to inform you this way then delete your hard work and make you do it all over again. So here are the (for now) small changes: Course editor: (s...