–Removed line in modDesc.xml that was searching for a store item that does not exist Newest off the 2022 factory line of John Deere self-propelled forage harvesters are the 9000 series choppers. Intended to take over the higher horsepower range from the 8000 series, the 9000 choppers ...
Mod packs In addition to the map download, there are two other downloads: the Fed Mods Pack and a Fed Production Pack which I will present in another video, the two mods are initially a summary of all my mods for the LS22 Windmills It is windy on the North Frisian Marsh and a long...
–added configuration for AI Worker –added support for mod Course Play Bugfixes & Changes –Fixed for unsupported mod –Added possibility to unloading the foil wrap This package includes: –Added the configuration for foil wrap for all balers or bale wrappers ...
In order to be able to reach all sales points easily, there is a comprehensive road network where mostly AI vehicles are on the road There is a ready-made Autodrive network from Holger for download where all fields and all sales stations have already been driven in. collectibles On the NF...
That’s definitely for a reason – every single Farming Simulator 19 Mod / Farming Simulator 22 Mod is unique and provides you explicit options. If you wonder how it works, you will find plenty of information in our FS19 Mods / FS22 Mods website – we have collected all kind of data ...
Small fix for AIMessageErrorIsFull in mp Added more console commands for dev. Push Release Infotext display added:#423 Added a new info text window. With mouse click on the message, the vehicle will be entered. While the message is hovered, the vehicle name is displayed. ...
Note:AI collision seems to work oddly, AI drivers may squeeze by even when there is not enough room and push the vehicle. There are several authors that have contributed to this mod, they are listed in the credits. Credits: MyGameSteam, Daniel Toma, TMP Simulation, Shaidiestorc5673, Knott...
If you are face difficulties which are hard to overcome, check ourFarming Simulator Mods databaseand you will probably find a solution there. There additional files are extremely popular all around the globe. That’s definitely for a reason – every single Farming Simulator 19 Mod / Farming Sim...
Tweaks for several placeables to work better with AI, No new save required. Version moves to V1.0.0.3. 02/01/2024 16.38pm UK Time Small Update. Fix for the 2 AI Cost warnings. No new save required. 01/01/2024 14:00pm UK Time Small Update. ...
To adjust the helper fee, please use the mod AIcost by HappyLooser. Version Fixed price scaling when buying multiple bales, big bags, and big bag pallets. Version Consider this a beta version. Testing has been very sparse. ...