–If you want to place additional cattle pens, you will need to use the Enhanced Animal Mod or you will not be able to see the cattle you purchase. Keep in mind, this will overwrite the reduced feed rates that I setup by using this mod. If you want to place additional pens and want...
–AnimalGrazing is now properly supported and animals will eat the painted grass. The following has been changed in version –Now either sunflower or rapeseed for diesel production –Added mineral feed to the cows again –Basic feed now works again for pigs –Carrots added to horse fe...
You buy vehicles from the vehicle dealer and animals from the local pet shop. So that you don’t go with them If your vehicle stops in the field without diesel, electricity or methane, there are 3 gas stations 2 of which are also equipped with power charging stations The map also has ...
One unsolvable problem so far: products from the cereal factory need to be put on auto sale (some kind of pallet during spawn causes an error and freezes). If you sell automatically, then there is no problem; New crops added to livestock feed; Added small piles of sand and gravel; Added...
There is the large grain silo for everything made of grains, the earth crop silo, and the silo for cow and pig feed, silage, and chaff. There is also a straw, hay, and grass store. All silos and warehouses can be stored, and via pipe systems wirder removed. Animals: There are ...
Vehicles are bought from vehicle dealers and animals from local pet shops If you leave your vehicle on the field without diesel, electricity or methane, there are 3 filling stations 2 of which are also equipped with charging stations The card also has 2 large biogas plants which can be bought...
With this script the mod user will be able to adjust many parameters associated with farm animals, such as buy, sell, and transport prices, feed and straw input, and milk, manure, liquid manure, and pallet output. Grazing period: The script defines a grazing period and scales relevant param...
With this script the mod user will be able to adjust many parameters associated with farm animals, such as buy, sell, and transport prices, feed and straw input, and milk, manure, liquid manure, and pallet output. Grazing period: The script defines a grazing period and scales relevant param...