波音767 扩展包 FS2004 CLS 立即评价 反软件盗版警告 保护您的购买 您购买的飞行模拟器插件在国际上受到版权保护。这确保了创作者的权利得到维护,他们的创新作品得到保护。 为什么软件盗版对所有人都有害 软件盗版破坏了开发者的奉献和创造力。当您下载或分发盗版插件时,会影响创作者继续制作高质量内容的能力。这...
Just Flight's F-Lite 767-200/300 Series add-on for FSX and FS2004 - on sale now by Download! Superb models of the 767 in the -200 and -300 passenger variants, in a set of 24 liveries from around the world!
Commercial Level Simulations (CLS) announced on 1 February 2010 its release of Boeing 767-200 and -300, a dedicated model for FS2004. After one and a half years of unwavering commitment and hard work, CLS released this high quality and highly detailed package which they designed with one goal...
So I got the Zinertek VC Upgrade, but to me the quality was atrocious. the textures just seemed blurry, like they were resized from a smaller image. sooooo I took the Captainsim 757 VC Textures I recolored a month or so ago and Merged them with the Level-D 767.I think this result...
Welcome to the brand new Boeing 767 product! The version you are looking at now, is the FS9 & FSX version. This means that you can download the FS9 version and the FSX version. This product requires internet activation, and can only be installed on 1 PC (thus on 1 PC you can insta...
help with the level d 767 Hey just wondering with the level d 767 how can you bring up your GPS? and get the plane to follow the GpS path? because I can get it to do that on the notmal planes but not the level d 767, any help? thanks... ...
请按照提供的步骤进行安装设置:一、安装微软模拟飞行软件 (以下简称为:FS004或FS)一定要使用4张CD或者DVD版的安装(2CD的不能使用!切记!!!)使用4张CD版的,免CD的破解补丁在第4盘里的Crack的文件包里;使用DVD版的免CD的破解补丁在盘里的Crack的文件包里。(使用方法为把免CD补丁直接复制到游戏安装目录...
FS2004直播KFJK-KM新人今天才知道有这个贴吧,最近才刚刚买了Hotas X,以前一直飞波音767或737-300.那就换换手吧,听说空客很舒服,那就飞飞空客340. 机模:SMS+WILCO340-300整合机模 地
737/757/767 The Ultimate Boeing Panel 3.1 This is version 3.1 of my Boeing panel. WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 3.1? The problem some users had with missed gauges is solved now. Changed main panel design (more realistic), main display is changeable, more realistic autopilot and overhead panel, ...
L. D 767 hasnt a GPS.You can add one though.Search avsim for GPS and you will find some add-ons. You have to set up your FMC in order to follow your route.Dont ask me how...I have the craft but never give the needed time to learn how we set up the FMC .Im a bit lazy....