Fire Hydrant v1.0 FS19 September 3, 2020 Logistics Center Pack v1.0 FS19 September 1, 2021 Plastic storage shelf prefab v1.0 FS19 April 6, 2019 1 Response Comments1 Pingbacks0 Nirion January 1, 2022 at 1:58 pm Hello are you going to redo the columbia house for fs 22?
–3 Fire Stations were added in the map with animated doors. –All farms have water and fuel triggers. I left out the house trigger so players can add their own triggers. –A BGA plant can be found in the bottom left corner. Takes Alfalfa as input for silage. –12 sell points inclu...
Here I share the NOREMAT Valormax D56-120 with you. This is a modification of the basic Jenz, but with some improvements: -Brake hose -Pocket for lighthouses -Addition of fire at the planned locations -Addition of a plate and lighting lights -Modification of the arm controls th...