一.fs-extra 文件管理 1 $npm install fs-extra --save 1.创建一个目录 1 2 3 4 fs.mkdir(path, [mode], [callback(err)]) path 将创建的目录路径 mode 目录权限(读写权限),默认0777 callback 回调,传递异常参数err 创建目录 1 await fs.mkdir(path.join(__dirname, "/images", dir)); 2....
importpathfrom'node:path'import{copySync}from'fs-extra/esm'// hello 文件不存在的情况下copySync(path.resolve(__dirname,'hello'))// Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory 二、当地址存在,但参数(也就是目标地址)没赋值时会报错 // hello 文件存在的情况下copySync(path.resolve(__dirname,'hell...
npm run unit-esm: runs tests for fs-extra/esm exports npm test: runs the linter and all testsWhen running unit tests, set the environment variable CROSS_DEVICE_PATH to the absolute path of an empty directory on another device (like a thumb drive) to enable cross-device move tests.Windows...
fsExtra.copy(target, path.resolve(destination), err => {if(err)returnreject(err); resolve(); }); }); 开发者ID:WinGood,项目名称:platform,代码行数:6,代码来源:util.ts 示例5: task ▲点赞 1▼ task(`copy-${taskPostfix}`, copyDeps,function(done){constreg =newRegExp(`(.*?\\${sep}...
NPM Module fs-extra是一个用于扩展Node.js核心模块fs的第三方模块,提供了更多的功能和便利的方法。它可以用于创建目录,即在文件系统中创建新的文件夹。 创建目录的步骤如下: 首先,确保已经安装了Node.js和NPM。可以通过在命令行中运行以下命令来检查它们的版本:node -v npm -v ...
I can then navigate to myfs-extradirectory and run the tests. Naming I put a lot of thought into the naming of these functions. Inspired by @coolaj86's request. So he deserves much of the credit for raising the issue. See discussion(s) here: ...
I can then navigate to my fs-extra directory and run the tests.NamingI put a lot of thought into the naming of these functions. Inspired by @coolaj86's request. So he deserves much of the credit for raising the issue. See discussion(s) here:...
github地址:https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra 代码语言:javascript 复制 npm install –save fs-extraconstfs=require(‘fs-extra’); fs-extra同步操作与异步操作介绍 代码语言:javascript 复制 constfs=require(‘fs-extra’)// 异步两种操作方式// Async with promises:fs.copy(‘/tmp/myfile’...
varfs=require('fs.extra'); fs.copy Creates anfs.readStreamandfs.writeStreamand usesutil.pumpto efficiently copy. fs.copy('foo.txt','bar.txt',{replace:false},function(err){ if(err){ //i.e. file already exists or can't write to directory ...
FirefoxProfile.copy({profileDirectory: config.srcProfileDir,destinationDirectory: config.profileDir }, (err, profile) => {if(err || !profile) { reject(err); }else{ profile.shouldDeleteOnExit(false); resolve(profile); } }); }else{awaitfs.ensureDir(config.profileDir);letprofile =newFirefoxPr...