New tree distribution by elevation. Works great with photogrammetry trees, including new WU8 (Australia) Experimental "Terrain Mask" for fall and winter seasons that covers 48 countries. (see readme.txt) New snow mask so roads and runways can be cleared of snow in winter snow. Four multi...
structure, pole, rock, tree or other object which is the property of another, whether within or without the limits of a public highway, or maintain thereon any words, device, trademark, advertisement or notice not required by law to be posted thereon, without first obtaining the consent in ...
I was asked by my vet if I would foster a client's pregnant kitty that they found. The kitty, Cassie, was an outdoor kitty who came to this family and they had allergic kids so it was agreed that the family would keep both Cassie and one of her kittens, have them all fixed and ...