that depend on them. With their Depth and Presence controls, Input Level and Voicing switches and switchable power modes, there's simply nothing comparable to these amazing pieces of pro-quality gear. Players and recording engineers tell us these are among the best-sounding power amps ever made...
Fryette Amplification offers the best tube amps on the planet! From the legendary Pittbull series to our new Valvulator GP/DI, we have what you need! Shop now!
Fryette.VHT are now low budget and cheap china made tube amps that has nothing to compete or in common with what VHT did for years.. You didn’t find the item you’re looking for? You couldn’t find what you wanted in our selection of items?No problem! We can get it for you, an...
The additions to the amps focus on adding versatility to their on-the-fly control: both the new Solo Volume mode and the effects loop can be engaged using a footswitch, allowing for versatile texture shifts while on stage. For an alternate shift into more gain instead of volume, the More ...
An innovative take on the reactive load attenuator, the Fryette Amplification Power Station takes the method of safely knocking down an amplifier's power and combines it with a big, bold, dual 6V6-based power amp to go beyond mere attenuation duties. The
Vintage Hiwatt DR103 Amps- Wet,Dry, Plus UA OX & Fryette Attenuators - TPS 是在优酷播出的音乐高清视频,于2018-10-15 02:48:12上线。视频内容简介:Vintage Hiwatt DR103 Amps- Wet,Dry, Plus UA OX & Fryette Attenuators - TPS
Our Two/Ninety/Two and Two/Fifty/Two guitar power amps are industry standards for a reason: they sound fantastic! Order yours today and hear for yourself!