100 words comprise approximately 1/2 of all of the words found in publications. 300 words make up approximately 65% of all written material. To make learning the Fry Words fun, simple, and easy, we have broken all 1,000 Fry words into unique sets of 10 words each. ...
声音(4)评价(0) 正序 | 倒序 4 Fry Words 75-100 855年前 3 Fry Words 51-75 795年前 2 Fry Words 26-50 715年前 1 Fry Words 1-25 1315年前 安装喜马拉雅PC版 下载后随时听立即下载 专辑主播 非凡好声音 296221.7万 简介:我是一个爱笑、爱音乐、爱读书的15岁女孩! TA的专辑 更多 中国诗词230 ...
"This is exactly what I asked Alligator Apps to develop for my classroom. Thank you so much!" The Fry 1000 Instant Words are a list of the most common words u…
"This is exactly what I asked Alligator Apps to develop for my classroom. Thank you so much!" The Fry 1000 Instant Words are a list of the most common words u…
inkindergarten through second gradetypically would be reading. They are listed by age group, whereas the first 300 Fry words are listed by order of frequency. They are broken down into groups of 100 because Fry advocated focusing on a few words at a time until a student memorized the entire...
Fry Words – Complete list of 1,000 Words This includes all 1,000 Fry Words from the 1st – 10th levels. Grade Levels: 2nd and 3rd Grade, 4th and 5th Grade, Grades K-12, Kindergarten & 1st Grade Fry Words – The 1st Hundred Here’s the first level of the 1,000 Fry words....
sight words,国内很多人把它翻译成“视觉词”、“高频词”等,总让人觉得有点不明觉厉。 其实,sight words,是相对于phonics拼读来说的。既然phonics翻译成“拼读”(我不太赞成什么“自然”之类的宣传语),那么sight words,自然就是“...
Other Words From fry a·bleadjective Discover More Word History and Origins Origin offry1 First recorded in 1250–1300; 1925–30fry1fordef 2;Middle Englishfrien,fromAnglo-French,Old Frenchfrire,fromLatinfrīgere“to roast” Origin offry2 ...
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