内容提示: Fry Word Lists This list of 600 words compiled by Edward Fry contain the most used words in reading and writing. The words on the list make up almost half of the words met in any reading task. Good readers decode words so that they are said "instantly", therefore, assuring ...
Find Another Sight Word List: Find more of the Fry sight words here: Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Hundred Words Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Hundred Words Tips for Using Sight Word Lists Now that you know all these sight words, it's great to actually use them with your child or students...
Fry Sight Word List 1-25 Provided by FishForWords.com - Sight Words Game for Kids Fry Sight Word List 1-25 Ranked by Frequency "These are the most common words in English, ranked in frequency order. The first 25 make up about a third of all printed material.” (Fry & Kress, 2006,...
注:请点击左侧“单元分组”学习更多单词。 隐藏记住的单词 NO.记住了隐藏所有单词隐藏音标发音隐藏解释例句 1 crop [krɒp] vt.剪切,收割,修剪,种植;n.农作物,产量,平头 vi.收获 例句 2 current [ˈkʌrənt] n.涌流,趋势,电流,水流,气流;adj.当前的,通用的,流通的,现在的,草写的,最近的 ...
More Sight Word Resources up We have Dolch Sight Word Lists, too, including: Dolch sight words list:Printable list of the Dolch "service" sight words, arranged by grade level. These are essential non-noun words that young readers need to recognize instantly and spell easily. ...
fry-1 by:5m5euvq8kfnqx4fca384 3.1万 Heros_Stephen Fry by:Lara侃英语 9440 Mythos_Stephen Fry by:Lara侃英语 160 HARRY-FRY BOOKI234567 by:凯林赛666 7593 Stephen Fry on Classical Music by:巴凡 387 Fry英语高频词第5个100 by:昆西来了 ...
注:请点击左侧“单元分组”学习更多单词。 隐藏记住的单词 NO.记住了隐藏所有单词隐藏音标发音隐藏解释例句 1 British [ˈbrɪtɪʃ] adj.英国的;大不列颠的;英国人的 例句 2 action [ˈækʃn] n.动作;情节;作用;举动 例句 3 actually ...
"My son is learning the Fry's word list in school and this is the perfect app! What a time saver. Instead of having to create hundreds of flashcards here they are and it's FREE." "Wonderful App! As a mom & as a certified Kindergarten teacher, I love all of the Alligator Apps. ...
"My son is learning the Fry's word list in school and this is the perfect app! What a time saver. Instead of having to create hundreds of flashcards here they are and it's FREE." "Wonderful App! As a mom & as a certified Kindergarten teacher, I love all of the Alligator Apps. ...
Fry Instant Word List Fry Instant Word ListArticle, Staff