The first 100 fry words, considered the most frequently occurring in the English language, should be mastered in Grade 1. The fry second 100 sight words should be mastered in 2nd Grade. The third 100 words should be mastered in Grade 3. ...
The Fry Sight Words list is a more modern list of words than the Dolch list, and was extended to capture the most common 1,000 words. Dr. Edward Fry developed this expanded list in the 1950s (and updated it in 1980), based on the most common words to appear in reading materials ...
什么是Fry Sight Words ? Fry sight words是在Dolch sight words (220个)基础上发展起来的,里面包含了1000个最常见的英语单词,按照单词出现的频率共分为10个词单,每个词单包含100个单词。其中,第一个词单就含有最常见的100个单词。 目前视频是学习Fry sight words的前500个单词,总共20个视频,每个视频大概2分钟...
阿照路线规划 置顶高频词Sight Words两个分类解释一下:1.道奇词:是由道奇博士1936年依据那个时代的儿童读物创建的,包含220个单词;2.弗莱词:是由弗莱博士1950年提出1980年更新,基于3-9年级阅读材料创建,包含1000个;我们这套课程是弗莱词1000 2023-02-19 17:136回复 Bobbidi转了个圈儿 2023-08-25 20:03回复阿照...
【全220高频词】高频词220拼读发音 初级阅读密码 Sight Words 220(持续更新中……) 心情很差的时候 3.2万 5 1:02:06 See it, Say it, Sign it - The Letter A -Z - Jack Hartmann Lamia_L 2.4万 6 13:00:36 600 少儿英语词汇 识字造句100天 Sight Words 全6册 最强新概念英语 13.5万 ...