This article reviews the financial management software Microsoft FRx and Microsoft Forecaster from FRx Software.Rathbun, SueDm Review
Understanding Open Financial System Interface (OFSI) specified installations Microsoft FRx maintains a common interface and a common functionality between all Microsoft Dynamics products. The Open Financial System Interface (OFSI) specifies the files that are required for the Microsoft Dynamics product that...
Negative weightings may result from specific circumstances (including timing differences between trade and settle dates of securities purchased by the funds) and/or the use of certain financial instruments, including derivatives, which may be used to gain or reduce market exposure and/or risk manageme...
Understanding Open Financial System Interface (OFSI) specified installations Microsoft FRx maintains a common interface and a common functionality between all Microsoft Dynamics products. The Open Financial System Interface (OFSI) specifies the files that are required for the Microsoft Dynamics product that...
FRx Report Manager is a powerful management tool used to create, review, print, and distribute a group of documents in one convenient report book. FRx WebPort enablesusers to publish both FRx and non-Microsoft FRx reports to a local intranet application(that is, Microsoft Office Word documents...