To durian lovers, the taste is mildly sweet, almondy and very creamy, not unlike a rich cheesecake. It has a whiff of alcohol about it, which explains why eating it gives you this hot feeling inside--like you've downed a shot of v...
Nguyen TN, Nguyen V, Le van D (1998) Insect pests on citrus, durian, longan and mango in selected provinces of the Meking Delta of Vietnam. In: Nguyen VH, van Mele P (eds) Proceedings of the first symposium on fruit production in the Mekong delta focusing on integrated pest management...
Somepeopleregardthedurianashavingapleasantlysweetfragrance;othersfindthearomaoverpoweringwithanunpleasantodour.Itsmellslikeshitandtasteslikefarts...andgymsocks.Thesmellsevokesreactionsfromdeepappreciationtointensedisgust. Forwhateverreason,peoplecontinuetobedrawntodurian. Todurianlovers,thetasteismildlysweet,almondyandver...
The community are waiting to hear from you! Log in or Join Pixabay to view comments Log in Join Pixabay Durians Roi Des Fruits Tropical Délicieux Épineuse De Fruits Malaisie Fruits Noirs Roi Noir Related free images Durians Roi Des Fruits Edit image Fruit Exotique Durian Edit image Le Duria...
Durian - The bad boy of the fruit world, the fruits of the Durio zibethenus tree resemble spiny, armored footballs weighing up to 10 pounds (4.5 Kg). The flesh of the durian surrounds large inedible seeds inside the spiked exterior. It has such a strong and foul odor that it is banned...
The fruit's flesh is sometimes eaten raw, or is cooked and used to flavour a number of dishes and candies. Some people regard the durian as having a pleasantly sweet fragrance; others find the aroma overpowering with an unpleasant odour.It smells like shit and tastes like farts...and gym...
Apriyantono: Sulfur-containing volatiles of durian fruits (Durio zibethinus Murr.), J. Agric. Food Chem. 44, 3291–3293 (1996) Article CAS Google Scholar X. Du, V. Whitaker, R. Rouseff, Changes in strawberry volatile sulfur compounds due to genotype, fruit maturity and sample preparation,...
Durian Durians are grown in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. The fruit is fairly sweet, but only if you can get past its awful smell which is often described as rotten cheese. Their smell is so bad that many hotels and public transports do not allow them to be brought...
Native to India, the jackfruit somewhat resembles the durian, with a greenish husk and yellow fruit. Though milder and more subtle, jackfruit also has a strong flavor and smell. Jackfruit is sweet when ripe, with a rather unique taste. People have compared it to bananas, mangoes, and even ...
Related Products About Packaging Company Profile Company Name: Jiaozuo Hailian Food Co., Ltd. Product Name: 100% Natural Pure Dried Fruits Freeze Dried Durian Keywords: Dried Fruit, Freeze Dried Fruit, Dried Durian, Freeze Durian, Snack, Freeze Dried Food, Health Food, Strawberry,...