Prophesy is anything that God spontaneously brings into someone’s mind. Prophesy originally has the same authority as Scripture, as seen in the Old Testament (Num. 22:38, Deut. 18:18-20, Jer. 1:9, Ezek. 2:7, …). It can be seen that in those cases, the words of prophets are t...
"We look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness" (2Peter 3:13), and "there shall be no more death . . . nor any more pain" (Revelation 21:4). . . . Pulpit CommentaryVerse 18. - Begat; literally, brought forth; ἀπεκύησεν. The word has ...
his Irish estates had been confiscated, and his Pennsylvania holdings were at risk because of his fall from favor after the Restoration. These four years of living in secret, moving from place to place, were among Penn’s most productive as a writer; ...