Grapes whose primary purpose is for processing into raisins or preserves include the small seedless Zante grape of Greece and Turkey that is dried to make currants; Muscat grapes whose drying results in the bulk of the dark raisins we buy; and the North American Concord grape that is used to...
The tropics with relatively warm climate occupy nearly 40 % of the earth’s surface supporting nearly half of the world’s population. The temperature variations are less significant. Majority of the world’s biodiversity is adapted to the diverse...
The fruit tastes like tart rhubarb or apricot. Quandongs are highly prized not only for their tart-sweet flavor but also for their medicinal qualities. In Chinese medicine, quandongs are used to treat a wide range of ailments. Native healers considered the fruit to be absolutely essential due...
For some reason vegetables and fruits taste better in Greece than they do elsewhere and there are many theories of course, some say it is the absence of pesticides but I have my own ideas
In this study we investigated the attraction of female olive fruit flies to volatiles emitted by five native Iranian olive fruit varieties [Mari, Shenghe, Roghani, Fishomi, Zard] and four exotic olive fruit varieties [Coratina (Spain), Koroneiki (Greece), Arbequin (Spain) and Manzanilla (...
The miracle fruit is a small red berry native to tropical West Africa. It derived its boastful name from its use in turning sour foods sweet. While we haven’t tried this fruit yet, we can’t refute the claim so we’ll just go with it. It is commonly used locally to sweeten palm ...
Zalzalak fruits, which resemble red persimmons or red variants of the black sapote, are native to Iran. The only distinction is that they’re oval-shaped rather than circular. They have a sweet and savory flavor, and they, too, offer a long list of health advantages. People consume them ...
A lemon native to the lands of Italy known as 'Femminello St. Teresa', or 'Sorrento' is a fruit whose zest is very high in lemon oils. This variety is mainly used in the preparation of limoncello traditionally. A cross between a lemon and an orange or a mandarin is known as Meyer....
armeniaca L., is native to China but has long been cultivated in Europe and was transported to North America about 1720. The leading regions for apricot production in the early 1980's (in thousands of metric tons, Childers, 1983) were Western Europe (600), Asia (420), Africa (170), ...
This study addressed whether food and nutrient intakes were correlated with skin wrinkling in a sun-exposed site.177 Greek-born subjects living in Melbourne (GRM), 69 Greek subjects living in rural Greece (GRG), 48 Anglo-Celtic Australian (ACA) elderly living in Melbourne and 159 Swedish subjec...