Jones Orchard, located in Millington, Tennessee, has been providing homegrown peaches and other fruit to Memphis and the Mid-South for over six decades.
can have two generations per year – one in the spring (having germinated the previous fall) and one in the summer. Its stems are square, though not as sharply square as plants in the mint family, and can grow to around six feet long. They are weak, brittle, and don’t stand upright...
It’s a really neat place. As far as whole wheat pasta and most processed grains in general, they are high-glycemic foods. They spike your blood sugar and insulin and thus aren’t healthy. Whole grain bread is “healthier” than white bread, but not really healthy. A diet high in grai...
We are situated about halfway between, in the great valley that borders the bay of San Francisco. We have occupied this place over twenty years, and have made observations upon the culture of small fruits, and have always grown more or less ourselves. While, therefore, I do not claim to...