We have seen the return statement before, but in a fruitful function the return statement includes an expression. This statement means: “Return immediately from this function and use the following expression as a return value.” The expression can be arbitrarily complicated, so we could have writ...
We have seen the return statement before, but in a fruitful function the return statement includes an expression. This statement means: “Return immediately from this function and use the following expression as a return value.” The expression can be arbitrarily complicated, so we could have writ...
Options: --help Show this message and exit. Commands: asyncrun 以最快的方式请求接口(真异步百万并发) onerun 单线程(测试使用) run 传入线程数和手机号启动轰炸,支持多手机号 update 从 github 获取最新接口 运行 若使用虚拟环境,请先激活. pipenv shell # 输出帮助信息 python smsboom.py --help Usage:...
首先,从数组中选择一个元素,这个 被称为基准值 (pivot)。 # 接下来,找出比基准值小的元素以及比基准值大的元素。 现在 你就知道如何对包含三个元素的数组进行排序了,步骤如下。 (1) 选择基准值。 (2) 将数组分成两个子数组:小于基准值的元素和大于基准值的元素。 (3) 对这两个子数组进行快速排序。 归纳...