That is not surprising: politicians with an eye on the next election will hardly rush to introduce unpopular measures that may not bearfruitfor years, perhaps decades. 出自-2010年12月阅读原文 most people are against measures that will not bearfruitimmediately ...
an originally leaflike organ bearingovulesalong its margin. This organ was somehow folded along the median line, with a meeting and coalescing of the margins of each half, the result being a miniature closed but hollowpodwith one row of ovules along the suture. In many members of theroseand...
for an example of the pictures used see Fig.2a); (2) a treatment where male abdomens were replaced with a uniform green or pink patch, and the entire female body (except the eyes)
学科网为您提供【阅读理解突破】 “水果”话题 译林四上英语阅读 Unit 2 Let's make a fruit salad(含答案)精品资料,欢迎您下载使用,获取更多译林版(三起)小学英语四年级上册题集优质资源请关注学科网
Pitaya is a large red fruit with green tentacles on its skin. 火龙果是一种大型红色的水果,表皮上还有绿色的触角。 “buy a lemon”不是买柠檬! 想到柠檬是不是牙齿都是酸酸的?但是buy a lemon这个词组,除了包含“lemon“这...
美 英 na.糖水水果 网络什锦水果;水果鸡尾酒;水果沙拉 复数:fruit cocktails 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 fruit-cocktail n. 1. (罐装)什锦水果a mixture of pieces of fruit in liquid, sold in tins
Apricot is an economically important fruit tree cultivated throughout the temperate regions of the world, especially in the Mediterranean. Apricots are closely related to peaches, almonds, plums, and cherries. They are eaten fresh or cooked and can be dr
A sword with an elephant Zoan.Some years before the current timeline, Dr. Vegapunk discovered a technique that allows one to make an inanimate object (such as a gun or a sword) "eat" a Devil Fruit. The details of this process have not yet been revealed. So far, Zoan is the only ...
transformed with an empty pET28 vector. For in vitro production of each intermediate in the Esculeoside A pathway, sequential assays with the corresponding GAME enzymes were performed. Mass to charge (m/z) is shown forα-tomatine and the assay products (i.e., Esculeoside A pathway ...
(一)vegetable 和 vegetables:1.表示蔬菜这一整体概念:当用于表示蔬菜这一整体概念时,则为不可数名词。eg:Soak is an effective way of removing the content of nitrate in vegetable.浸泡法是降低蔬菜中硝酸盐含量的有效途径之一。2.表示蔬菜的种类:当用于表示蔬菜的种类时,为可数名词。eg:A ...