Our farm co-op was recently featured on ABC’s Gardening Australia.Sign up for our Weekly Fruit Tips Newsletter (and get a Free eBook) Want help staying on track with your fruit trees? Hit the button below to get two valuable free resources straight into your inbox. Sign up now Peek Beh...
Winged fruits are most common in trees and shrubs, such asmaple,ash,elm,birch,alder, anddipterocarps(a family of about 600 species of Old World tropical trees). The one-winged propeller type, as found in maple, is called asamara. When fruits have several wings on their sides, rotation ...
Just minutes from the city, forage through almost 12,000 fig trees for perfect fruit at Willabrand Figs onGlen Ewin Estate. The orchards of Glen Ewin have been brimming with figs for more than 150 years, with five main varieties; Archipal, Deanna, Spanish Desert, Brown Turkey and Black Ge...
orange- round yellow to orange fruit of any of several citrus trees mandarin orange,mandarin- a somewhat flat reddish-orange loose skinned citrus of China kumquat- small oval citrus fruit with thin sweet rind and very acid pulp lemon- yellow oval fruit with juicy acidic flesh ...
Van Loon R et al (2021) Barriers to adopting a diversity of NUS fruit trees in Latin American food systems. In: Orphan crops for sustainable food and nutrition security. Taylor & Francis Group, pp 88–108. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003044802-8 Chapter Google Scholar Van Zonneveld M et...
Rootstocks for deciduous fruit trees [in Australia].GAYFORD, G W
Krishnan RR, Sumathy R, Bindroo BB, Naik VG (2014) MulSatDB: a first online database for mulberry microsatellites. Trees 28:1793–1799 Article CAS Google Scholar Krishnan VA, Sujathamma P, Savithri G, Vijaya T (2015) Mulberry: the fruits of heaven’s choice. HortFlora Res Spectr 4(...
Guidelines for the commercial use of graft-transmissible dwarfing in Australia - potential benefits and risks. This wouldeliminate the need for, and cost of a second budding operation.Planting denslties for dwarfed trees. The optimum planting arrangement and density... P Broadbent,JB Forsyth,RJ Hu...
"If brought into Australia, it would decimate the Australian industry and lead to the destruction of millions of backyard citrus trees," Chief Executive Nathan Hancock said. "Our national agriculture industry, and the billions of dollars it contributes to the economy and jobs it creates in regiona...
analyses of the jujube offers some insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the extreme accumulation of vitamin C and sugar in fruit, the distinct self- shoot-pruning system and the outstanding tolerance to abiotic/ biotic stress, which are what the main breeding objectives of fruit trees....