Orchards are important to many peoples. It is said that abandoned Susquehanna Indian camps could always be identified by the old wild apple orchards in their vicinities in Pennsylvania, by the early explorers and settlers. Also, my Danish relatives prized their gardens with fruit trees, where the...
The dragon fruit is a rather impressive thing to look at with its pink peel and seeded white flesh. Dragon fruits are native to Central America. They have a mild flavor (口味),so they are perfect for picky(挑剔的)eaters. Dragon fruits are high in vitamin C and vitamin B, plus they ...
Today, wild pawpaws still grow in 26 states, from northern Florida to Pennsylvania and across the Midwest into Nebraska. But even though they appear in abundance each fall, few people are aware of the delicious treasures hiding nearby. I, for one, had no idea that one of the country’s ...
native america (36) nature (31) nostalgia (21) pennsylvania (53) personal (3) place (86) poetry (50) political (6) reading room notes (74) recipes (1) Religion (4) religions of the world (30) romuva (3) Science (1) self (147) spiritual artistry (21) spiritual genealogy (121) ...
Bowman,F. T.: The influence of early times of fruit removal on the growth and composition of alternate-bearing sugar prune trees with special reference to blossom bud formation. J. Pomol. and hort. Sci.19, 34–77 (1941). CASGoogle Scholar ...
Gleditsch JM, Carlo TA (2011) Fruit quantity of invasive shrubs predicts the abundance of common native avian frugivores in central Pennsylvania. Divers Distrib 17:244–253 Google Scholar González-Varo JP, Arroyo JM, Jordano P (2019) The timing of frugivore-mediated seed dispersal effectiveness...
(2011) Fruit quantity of invasive shrubs predicts the abundance of common native avian frugivores in central Pennsylvania. Diversity and Distributions, 17, 244-253.Gleditsch, J.M. & Carlo, T.A. (2011) Fruit quantity of inva- sive shrubs predicts the abundance of common native avian frugivores...
A native fruit to Louisiana, blackberries perform well in the home garden and require few to no pesticides. To avoid trellising blackberry bushes, choose an erect variety such as Brazos, Cheyenne or Brison. Blackberry bushes begin bearing fruit in mid May and continue to produce through the ...
Orchards are important to many peoples. It is said that abandoned Susquehanna Indian camps could always be identified by the old wild apple orchards in their vicinities in Pennsylvania, by the early explorers and settlers. Also, my Danish relatives prized their gardens with fruit trees, where the...
barren land. Therefore, the lesser short-nosed bats are dispersing native pioneerplantswhich aids in forest regeneration. As figs are not commercially-grown, the feeding habit of lesser short-nosed bats on fig fruits does not cause significant damage to commercial crops and financial loss to ...