by the distribution of seedling apple varieties, first by Native Americans and trappers and later by settlers and itinerants who became local legendary figures, the most prominent beingJohnny Appleseed(John Chapman), a professional nurseryman who planted apple trees extensively in Ohio and Indiana. ...
Cold-adapted plant species such as birch and spruce retreated to the mountains and the far north, replaced in lower altitudes and latitudes by heat- and drought-resistant species including grasses, forbs, and hardwood trees. Very large animals such as mammoths and giant ground sloths were unable...
The pawpaw is native to the eastern United States and grows wild over much of Indiana. Though...Mosiman, Amanda Bailey
In New York, gypsy moth caterpillars are known to feed on the leaves of a large variety of trees such as oak, maple, apple, crabapple, hickory, basswood, aspen, willow, birch, pine, spruce, hemlock, and more. Oak is their preferred species, the DEC reports. Causing 'Ni...
Tree death can occur when other stresses such as disease or other insect outbreaks attack trees in the same year. Causing 'Nightmares' in New York DEC Causing 'Nightmares' in New York “My kids and I were hiking in Lockport last week. There were hundreds of them falling ou...
by the distribution of seedling apple varieties, first by Native Americans and trappers and later by settlers and itinerants who became local legendary figures, the most prominent beingJohnny Appleseed(John Chapman), a professional nurseryman who planted apple trees extensively in Ohio and Indiana. ...
Admasu, T.G.; Jenberu, A.A. Theimpacts of apple-based agroforestry practices on the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in southern ethiopia—Sciencedirect.Trees For. People2022,7, 100205. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Ramahaimandimby, Z.; Sakurai, T. Vegetable production and its impact on...
Domestication and conservation of indigenous Miombo fruit trees for improving rural livelihoods in southern Africa. Biodiversity 2008, 9, 72–74. [CrossRef] 23. Mithöfer, D.; Waibel, H. Income and labour productivity of collection and use of indigenous fruit tree products in Zimbabwe. Agrofor...