Constraints to fruit production included lack of improved fruit tree seedlings, low proficiency in fruit seedling production, transportation, no capital for initial investment, damage by wild animals, prolonged dry spells, and frequent die back of fruit trees. Based on its high adoption potential, a...
Entandrophragma bussei (wooden banana) is a high value indigenous multipurpose tree species prioritized for domestication in Tanzania. However, we lack adequate information on genetic and phenotypic variation to support domestication processes, while utilization pressure on the remaining stocks and deforestat...
On the technical and technological aspects, the study revealed that there is limited expertise on post harvest handling especially amongst the smallholder farmers, low production levels and poor quality products due to poor germplasm and inadequate supply of tree seedlings for i...
Mulberry is cultivated as a tree, high bush and low bush under rain fed and irrigated conditions. It is propagated by seeds, seedlings, stem cuttings, saplings and grafting . Considering the great impact of industrialization, urbanization and global warming , mulberry , like any other crops, ...
The application of natural extracts to vegetable plants can increase production, optimize nutrient and water uptake, and mitigate the effects of stress on vegetable plants by enhancing primary and secondary metabolism. In this study, Acacia saligna (Labi
From 1 December 2003, a new regulation (91/03) came into force in Slovenia regulating the price of seedlings and other propagation materials of fruit crops. The regulation took into account existing laws on sowing material of agricultural crops, the health status of plants, European Union directi...
Uniformly sized seedlings with three fully unfolded true leaves were placed in the growth chamber for photoperiod treatments two weeks after germination. Artificial fluorescence tubes with white light in the SD (8 h/16 h, day/night) and equal-day (ED; 12 h/12 h, day/night) photoperiod ...
To enable uptake and expansion of agroforestry in northwest Vietnam, financial support to meet the higher investment costs for agroforestry and for better value chains with market stability are prerequisites for farmers. Local farmers can produce their own tree seedlings to reduce the investment cost ...
avocado, (Persea americana),treeof the familyLauraceaeand itsediblefruit. Avocados are native to theWestern HemispherefromMexicosouth to the Andean regions and are widely grown in warm climates. Avocado fruits have greenish or yellowish flesh with a buttery consistency and a rich nutty flavour. They...
I am a Kenyan residing in Nandi district in Kenya and wish to start a passion fruit farming on a 1/4 acre farm .Kapsabet,Kenya Kakande Charles said on January 3, 2011 I am a Uganda i have a small capital of which i want to start a fruit farm, i am looking at mangoes, pineapple...