Suzie knows more about pawpaws than most, it seems. North America's largest nativeedibletree fruit grows wild in 26 US states, including Texas, Ohio, West Virginia, New York and Michigan and all the way up to Ontario, Canada. ...
英文 法文 变形干 匹配词 所有精确任何 Sector(s) concerned: Agricultural holdings:fruit growersand nurseries Secteur(s) concerné(s): Exploitations agricoles:fruticultureet pépinières. EurLex-2 The #fruit growersin Okanagan and Similkameen valleys were devastated by hail and other weather related ...
McIntosh is the dominant commercial apple in New England and eastern Canada today. The first tree was a chance seedling around 1811, on John McIntosh’s farm in Matilda, Ontario; it spread after 1870, but wasn’t widely grown until the 20th century. McIntosh is a thick-skinned, tender-fles...
Geneva 11 is being produced by several U.S. nurseries, and finished trees should be available this winter. It produces a tree about the size of M.26. It is crown rot resistant and shows good tolerance to fireblight. It has been the best performer in European trials with exceptional fruit...