Waywar (literal meaning in Marathi-wasted), a local term for oblong fruit disorder, is being reported for last two decades from the areas lying in the foothills of Satpuda ranges of Paratwada, Morshi and Chandurbazar tehsils of Amravati district and spreading of late in surrounding district ...
The name Artocarpus is derived from the Greek word artos meaning “bread” and karpos meaning “fruit”. All Artocarpus species are laticiferous trees or shrubs that are composed of leaves, twigs and stems capable of producing a milky sap. Artocarpus hirsutus is a widely acknowledged as a ric...
Pandanus tectorius is dioecious, meaning male and female flowers are borne on separate trees, with very different male and female flowers. Male flowers, known as racemes, are small, fragrant, and short-lived, lasting only a single day. The flowers are grouped in 3 and gathered in large cl...
The name 'Gymnema' probably derives from the Latin word meaning 'naked' and sylvestre means 'from the forest'. It is native to central and western India and can be also found in tropical Africa and in Australia. The leaves are opposite, usually elliptic or ovate. Flowers are small, yellow...