Children's fruit and vegetable intake: Socioeconomic, adult-child, regional, and urban-rural influences National objectives for fruit and vegetable (F&V) consumption have been set at five or more servings per day. The National Cancer Institute funded three in... Susan,D.,Kirby,... - 《Jour...
While a higher fruit intake is generally considered beneficial for cardiovascular health, recent studies have shown that a fruit intake of > 2 portions per day may be harmful. Therefore, we tested if there is an association between categories of fruit intake and mean ccIMT. METHODS. We ...
The researchers defined optimal fruit intake as 300 grams per day, equivalent to roughly two small apples, and defined optimal intake of vegetables as 400 grams per day, equivalent to about three cups of raw carrots. They estimated average national intakes in over 110 countries (with more than ...
Although the health benefits of eating fresh fruit are well established, the sugar content of fruit has led to concerns about its potential harm for people with diabetes and consequently Chinese people diagnosed with diabetes tend to restrict their fruit intake. In the new study, researchers from ...
Large proportions of children do not fulfil the World Health Organization recommendation of eating at least 400 grams of fruit and vegetables (FV) per day. To promote an increased FV intake among children it is important to identify factors which influence their consumption. Both qualitative and qu...
2021), an average Ecuadorian eats 160 g of fruit and vegetables per day. There were no significant differences in consumption for age or gender, but there were observable economic disparities: only 5.4% of the population consumed the recommended 400 g or more and intake was highly correlated ...
intake (~ 80 ml/day). There was no significant association between 100% FJ consumption and risk of CHD or diabetes. The results of the RCTs support a beneficial effect on CV risk due to the favourable impact of 100% FJ intake on BP levels, arterial compliance and endothelial function....
The fruit intake ranged from twice a month to daily. More than half (n=167, 55.9%) of the women reported daily consumption and 41.1% (n=123) ate more than 400 grams of fruits and vegetables per day. The prevalence of inadequate intake was 57.9% (n=173), however, among those in ...
Although the health benefits of eating fresh fruit are well established, the sugar content of fruit has led to concerns about its potential harm for people with diabetes and consequently Chinese people diagnosed with diabetes tend to restrict their fruit intake. ...
Quantification of the association between the intake of vegetables and fruits and the risk of lung cancer is controversial. Thus, we conducted a meta-analysis to assess the relationship between vegetables and fruits and lung cancer risk. Pertinent studie