— Il a utilisé un couteau pour ouvrir la serrure et nous libérer du salon de musique Literature “If you were one of my soldiers I would not let you bear a fruit knife, far less a sword.” Si tu étais l’un de mes soldats, je ne te laisserais pas tenir un couteau à fr...
The structure of this masterpiece seems to mimic the corny repetition of the tango, lending it a satirical edge, and resulting in resonant humor. Those cows for example? The opening scene features cattle doing their thing in the mud, (one unsuccessfully attempts to mount a mate, then pretty...
— Il a utilisé un couteau pour ouvrir la serrure et nous libérer du salon de musique Literature “If you were one of my soldiers I would not let you bear a fruit knife, far less a sword.” Si tu étais l’un de mes soldats, je ne te laisserais pas tenir un couteau à fr...