Honey baked lentilsis a super-simple recipe: Just measure ingredients into a casserole dish, stick it in the oven, and dinner will be ready an hour later! Bake sweet potatoes or winter squash at the same time for a complete meal packed with nutrients that are especially helpful for preventin...
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Welcome to Frugal-Families - where you can have more and spend less! Browse through our ever growing collection of articles which are full of helpful
Dinner Easy Recipes Eat More Veggies Eating Habits Feeding the Family Food Prep Food Prep Basics Food Prep Ideas and Tutorials Freezer Cooking Grocery Budget Healthy Healthy Food on a Budget Homemade Food How to Freeze… Inventory Kid-approved ...
Try these 18 fun, inexpensive staycation ideas to keep your family entertained on your days off. Editor’s note: Always call ahead before you go to find out about open hours and advance ticket purchase requirements. 1. Create a “travel itinerary” ...
I hope you enjoy these practical frugal gift ideas for families. Picnic Blanket A good quality picnic blanket will come in handy for years and years. It’s the perfect blanket to keep in the car for beach days, park trips, and picnics. Here’s a great picnic blanket option with many ...
Easter is the perfect time for fun and engaging activities that bring families and kids together! If you’re looking for exciting ways to add some energy to your Easter celebration, check out theseHilarious Easter Game Ideas for Kids. From hilariousMinute-to-Win-It challengesto classic egg roll...
My fabulous, and fairly frugal, parents visited us here on the homestead last month and, while they were here, I put them to work brainstorming ideas to share
Frugal living tips for young families What to do if you’re more frugal than your spouse Depression Era hacks and frugal living ideas to save money now 4 money talks to have with your family Should you spend money to save time? Real men use coupons...
3. Dinner Going out on Mother’s Day can be hectic. Even if you have reservations the restaurants will be crowded full of other families celebratingMother’s Day. And you’ll pay more just because of the day. Instead get the kids together and make dinner for her yourself! She’ll apprec...