The mutant fructosyl amino acid oxidase activity having a reduced oxidation, while substantially retains its dehydrogenase activity. 本发明也提供了用于测量糖化蛋白的测定装置和测定方法. The present invention also provides a measuring apparatus and a measuring method for measuring glycated protein.K.索德...
Fructosyl-amino Acid Oxidase (FAOD-E) 果糖基 - 氨基酸氧化酶 临床检测用酶 The enzyme is useful for the determination of fructosyl-L-amino acid.由来 recombinant E. coli 系统名称 Fructosyl-L-amino acid : oxygen oxidoreductase EC编号 1.5.3...
Fructosyl-amino acid oxidase(FAOD-E) 货号:60273 包装:U 品牌:KiKKoman 龟甲万 果糖基氨基酸氧化酶;来源:recombinant E. coli;活性:4 U/mg lyophilizate 微信号 15221999938 联系我们 上海金畔生物科技有限公司 电话:021-50837765 手机:15221999938 网址: ...
产品编号: DL1276 品牌: 远慕生物 规格: BR,38u/mg protein 别名: 果糖氨基酸氧化酶 英文名: Fructosyl amino acid oxidase CAS号: 109603-58-9大包装询价 产品介绍 服务承诺 订货流程 相关产品推荐 因产品货期价格有变动,请与客服确认后再下单!谢谢理解!QQ...
Fructosyl amino acid oxidase | MCE 英文名称: 总访问: 53 国产/进口: 进口 半年访问: 4 产地/品牌: MedChemExpress(MCE) 产品类别: 生化试剂 规格: 电询 最后更新: 2024-11-4 货号: HY-E70082 CAS 号: 109603-58-9 参考报价: 电询 立即询价 电话咨询 ...
上海玉博生物科技有限公司 主要致力于“Sheep polyclonal to Fructosyl Amino Acid Oxidase (HRP) Abcam ab34630 ”的生产销售。多年的“Sheep polyclonal to Fructosyl Amino Acid Oxidase (HRP) Abcam ab34630 ”生产与销售的经验,与各行业新老用户建立了稳定的合作关
Fructosyl-peptide Oxidase (FPOX-CET)果糖基 - 缩氨酸氧化酶 临床检测用酶 The enzyme is useful for the determination of fructosyl-peptide and fructosyl-L-amino acid. Also it is useful for the determination of HbA1c by using protease together. (HbA1c is used as a test makar to diagnose diabet...
Jeong, H.Y., Song, M.H., Back, J.H., Han, D.M., Wu, X., Monnier, V., Jahng, K.Y., Chae, K.S 2002 The veA gene is necessary for the inducible expression by fructosyl amines of the Aspergillus nidulans faoA gene encoding fructosyl amino acid oxidase (...
Fructosyl-peptide Oxidase (FPOX-CE)果糖基 - 缩氨酸氧化酶 临床检测用酶 The enzyme is useful for the determination of fructosyl-peptide and fructosyl-L-amino acid. 由来recombinant E. coli 系统名称 Fructosyl-peptide : oxygen oxidoreductase
摘要: With respect to reactivity to ε fructosyl lysine of glycated albumin derived from, is to provide a modified fructosyl amine oxidase specific to fructosyl valine. A fructosyl amine oxidase, to have high selectivity for fructosyl valine than the enzyme one amino acid residue and is substituted...