The gist of the fructophobes’ argument is that fructose is dangerous because it bypasses the usual checks and balances that control glucose (namely insulin and PFK-1), heads straight to the liver, and turns instantly into fat, slashing and burning precious ATP (energy molecules) along the wa...
In this episode, Rick explains how the body can generate fructose from glucose and how circulating glucose and salt levels can activate this conversion. He discusses the decline in metabolic flexibility associated with aging, as well as how factors such as sugar intake or menopause-associated ...
Avocados are very interesting from the FMr’s perspective… They have more fructose than glucose, but their quantities are soooo small that the ratio doesn’t really matter as long as you don’t eat the whole thing… they are nature’s butter after all … see note 3 And fruit is a litt...
Light blue arrows show the path of gluconeogenesis from fructose leading to glucose-6-P which, in turn, can produce glucose or be incorporated into glycogen. Full size image Fructose and glucose metabolism converge at the level of the triose-phosphates (Figure 1). The major concerns in ...
(b) The side chain is enclosed and locked into a beta position. When disaccharide alpha is hydrolyzed, which monosaccharide units are produced? A) D-glucose and D-fructose monosaccharide units B) two D-fructose monosaccharide units C) two D-gluc...
Here’s the problem: common wisdom says that sugar is just empty calories and you can get your discretionary calories from anywhere. The problem is that hepatic fructose metabolism is completely different from that of glucose and this is what the first YouTube video went into, in exhausting det...
But FINALLY...many attempts and a hundred mixtures after, I came up with a recipe of a cake that is not just healthy and allowed into an intolerant diet, but also tastes just like BROWNIES *_* This cake can be doubled easily, and the recipe turns out in a beautifully moist, tender,...
the isomeric effect of glucose isomerase to get high fructose corn syrup. During the production, to get higher sweet high fructose corn syrup, usually separates the glucose from the mixture and turns it into fructose, which increases the amount of fructose in the mixture. You can clickhigh fruc...
At first, sodium docks onto extracellular binding sites of the transporter to cause a conformational change, which facilitate fitting of either glucose or galactose as a substrate into the transmembrane binding site. The outward-occluded binding site turns into an inward-occluded stage. The ...
metabolic syndrome; melatonin; fructose; dyslipidemia; hypertension; obesity; glucose tolerance Graphical Abstract1. Introduction The metabolic syndrome is a cluster of metabolic abnormalities including, among others, abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, atherogenic dyslipidemia, increased blood pressure (BP)...