前两天,我心心念念的FrSky睿思凯X10S EXPRESS遥控器终于到货了,看介绍说这款遥控器属于FrSky的高端产品,我期待满满,刚送走快递员就迫不及待开了箱。然而,激动的心,颤抖的手,打开竟是美国手!我这个日本手玩家差点哭晕在厕所。 日本手?美国手?航模小白可能不太了解这些术语了。简单来说,右手左右为副翼,左手左右...
开篇结束的同时,郑重介绍FrSky最新系列产品Horus X10、X10S(最后一张照片里的碳纤X7S就当福利了~)
睿思凯HORUS系列设备换手教程 FrSky X10S EXPRESS 刚到手的测评遥控器,就被我拆成了满桌的零件,这是咋回事? 前两天,我心心念念的FrSky睿思凯X10S EXPRESS遥控器终于到货了,看介绍说这款遥控器属于FrSky的高端产品,我期待满满,刚送走快递员就迫不及待开了箱。然而,激动的心,颤抖的手,打开竟是美国手!我这个...
FrSky Horus X10 Express Horus X10S Express Manual 0114010801140108 01140108 01140108+X +Y +Z SMA Connector
a new model, the system will assign you a receiver number automatically, but this can be easily changed. The range of the receiver number is 01-64, with the default number being 01. Once the receiver is set to the desired number and is bound to the Horus X10 Express/Horus X10S Express...
I'm using 3500mAh 18650 Li-Ion Batteries in my X10S Express, Q X7 ACCESS and X9 Lite S. Using a 2600mAh Lipo 2S in my X9D Plus SE 2019. The built in charger seems to work well in all the systems. Mike Last edited by Jet_Flyer; Dec 20, 2020 at 03:10 PM. Dec 20,...
OpenTX on Horus X10S The good news is that OpenTX supports the X10/X10S and you can flash it. OpenTX on X10 is basically the same system as the one on QX7 or X9D, they have just adjusted to fit the bigger colour display.
既然已经拆开,顺手将遥杆弹簧力度调整到适合自己后(拧画圈处的螺丝),最后将后盖装回。 再打开遥控器,新建模型时选择Mode1(日本手)即可。该遥控器的换手算是比较简便,无需拆、挂弹簧或者拆压片等步骤。 本次的教程到此结束,敬请期待睿思凯X10S EXPRESS遥控器的测评吧~...
FrSky - Horus X10, X10S and ExpressPage 155 of 1402 First 55 105 145 153 154 155 156 157 165 205 255 655 1155 Last Thread Tools Oct 15, 2017, 01:03 PM #2311 Datos Alex Quote: Originally Posted by cfg Sorry, Socrates, I don’t have the 10s so I can’t, but for me, a...
direct wire battery, thermal sensor into it from battery lead, and provide wall wart power via wall wart plug to out side of case, and internalize the whole charger board pretty easily. Block off usb C port and it seems like you end up close to version 2. Not sure it is worth the ...