And if possible, can someone send me the simulator program installation file? (Don't download the link because I can't download from there!) I would like to study the new system a bit before I get the X20 Tx. This website says that versio... for that functioning download button... Quote: Originally Posted by Jet_Flyer Nice looking web work by FrSky. MikeMar 12, 2021, 09:05 AM #3696 pumuklis Registered User He writes on the Frsky site that ETHOS also offers a PC simulator. Do you have ...
Is the Ethos PC simulator still available? I did not see it on the Frsky Ethos page. I want to experiment with some settings. Thanks, Tone Jul 03, 2023, 11:44 PM #24958 lightbulbjim Mostly gliders It's in the list of release assets: https://github....
The X12 is among the options although it is so-far not capable of ACCESS, which is stated to be an Ethos prerequisite. On two different browsers, none of the download buttons do anything. None of the tabs do anything either. Has anyone succeeded in downloading and installing any ...