Download | Version: 1.7 Date Published: 10/23/2019 File Name: frsdiag.msi File Size: 397.0 KB FRSDiag provides a graphical interface to help troubleshoot and diagnose problems with the File Replication Service (FRS). FRS is used to replicate files and folders in the SYSVOL file share on ...
All the event logs are gathered in the FRSdiag report, this is a great way to troubleshoot an issue and find solutions by searching on the Microsoft support website for the event codes. TOPOLOGY The topology of your FRS environment lays out a map of how the data propagates to the FR...
The FRSDiag report is run on one server and the reports only detail the components relevant to that server. Therefore, you need to run the report on all the Replica Members in the Replica Set in order to get a full picture of the topology. You can select all the ...
FRSdiag is a .NET utility that can be used to gather diagnostics and troubleshoot FRS and can be run on any computer with administrative privileges against any computer running FRS. This utility can be downloaded athere. This report gathers data on all replica sets of which the target server...
File Name: frsdiag.msi File Size: 397.0 KB FRSDiag provides a graphical interface to help troubleshoot and diagnose problems with the File Replication Service (FRS). FRS is used to replicate files and folders in the SYSVOL file share on domain controllers and files in Distributed File System ...
An easy way to determine the OriginatorGUID of a member, is to open the FRSDiag interface and select “Tools>Build GIUD to Name for Target Server(s)” from the menubar. You can search on these VVentries in the Outlog to locate the last known change on a particular connection. The ...