A look at the cash flow statement when transitioning to FRS 102. Current accounting treatment FRS 1 applies to financial statements intended to give a true and fair view, but there are exemptions such as small companies (based on the small companies exemption in companies’ legislation)...
Qualifying entities may take advantage of certain disclosure exemptions, including an exemption from preparation of a cash flow statement and related notes. Small entities may also apply reduced disclosure requirements but are otherwise generally required to apply the recognition and measurement requirements...
equity 5. Cash flow statement changes to statement of cash flows. The cash flow statement now includes cash and “cash equivalents”. FRS 102 also has fewer headings on the face of the cash flow statement. Although the terminology has changed, you can choose to use titles other than those ...
For example, it means no cashflow statement and, for most companies, no IFRS 7 disclosures on financial instruments. This is good news and in a world where disclosure overload is an all too common problem, FRS 101 is a breath of fresh air, bearing in mind subsidiaries' accounts tend to...
• Requires an entity to recognise share- based payment transactions, including transactions with employees or other parties to be settled in cash, other assets or equity instruments of the entity (FRS 102.IN3, 102.1). • Equity-settled share-based payment transactions - Requires an entity ...