针对你提出的“frps: command not found”问题,我可以从以下几个方面进行解答: 确认用户环境变量设置是否正确: 当你在终端输入frps命令时,系统会在环境变量指定的路径中搜索frps可执行文件。如果找不到,就会报“command not found”错误。 你可以通过打印环境变量来检查是否包含了frps的安装路径。在Unix/Linux系统中...
// If cfgDir is not empty, run multiple frpc service for each config file in cfgDir. // Note that it's only designed for testing. It's not guaranteed to be stable. if cfgDir != "" { @@ -172,7 +133,7 @@ var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{ } log.Info("从ChmlFrp API获取配置...
echo "Not support OS, Please reinstall OS and retry!" return 1 fi } fun_config(){ if [ -s ${CONFIGFILE} ]; then vi ${CONFIGFILE} else echo "${ProgramName} configuration file not found!" return 1 fi } fun_version(){ echo "${ProgramName} version ${program_ver...