Describe the feature request 由于frpc总是被各类软件查杀,所以想用SSH通过STCP实现安全地暴露内网服务。 stcp 提供放可以使用以下命令成功创建STCP提供方: ssh -R :80:{local_ip:port} v0@{frps address} -p {frps ssh listen port} stcp --remote_port {real remote port} --proxy_name {proxy_name} ...
一、Frp简介 frp 是一个专注于内网穿透的高性能的反向代理应用,支持 TCP、UDP、HTTP、HTTPS 等多种协议,且支持 P2P 通信。可以将内网服务以安全、便捷的方式通过具有公网 IP 节点的中转暴露到公网。 frp 项目地址: 二、Frp特性 通过在具有公网 IP 的节点上部署 frp 服务端,可以...
If it is not empty, it can implement ssh password-free login authentication. It can reuse the local /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys file or a custom path can be specified. No Basic Usage Server-side frps Minimal configuration: sshTunnelGateway.bindPort = 2200 Place the above configuration ...
#ssh 隧道网关配置(可选) SSHTunnelGateway.bindPort= #SSH 服务器监听端口(必选)[int] SSHTunnelGateway.privateKeyFile= #SSH 服务器私钥文件路径(可选,默认读取autoGenPrivateKeyPath路径下的私钥文件)[string] SSHTunnelGateway.autoGenPrivateKeyPath = #私钥文件自动生成路径(可选,默认为./.autogen_ssh_key)...
# frps.toml sshTunnelGateway.bindPort = 2200 When running ./frps -c frps.toml, a private key file named .autogen_ssh_key will be automatically created in the current working directory. This generated private key file will be used by the SSH server in frps. Executing the command ssh -R ...
SSHTunnelGateway.privateKeyFile=#SSH 服务器私钥文件路径(可选,默认读取autoGenPrivateKeyPath路径下的私钥文件)[string] SSHTunnelGateway.autoGenPrivateKeyPath=#私钥文件自动生成路径(可选,默认为./.autogen_ssh_key)[string] SSHTunnelGateway.authorizedKeysFile=#SSH 客户端授权密钥文件路径(可选,默认不进行SSH客...
ssh tunnel gateway。 用户可以通过标准的 ssh 协议来跟 frps 进行通信,完成反向代理。该模式可以不依赖于 frpc 二进制。 很多用户需要在一些低配计算机或嵌入式设备里使用反向代理,这些机器内存和存储空间有限,可能无法正常使用原版的 frpc。本项目旨在提供最简版本的反向代理,只通过 ssh 协议与 frps 完成反向代理。
SSH Tunnel Gateway Contributing Donation GitHub Sponsors PayPal Development Status frp is currently under development. You can try the latest release version in the master branch, or use the dev branch to access the version currently in development. We are currently working on version 2 and attemp...
# frps.toml sshTunnelGateway.bindPort = 2200 When running ./frps -c frps.toml, a private key file named .autogen_ssh_key will be automatically created in the current working directory. This generated private key file will be used by the SSH server in frps. Executing the command ssh -R ...
SSH Tunnel Gateway Contributing Donation GitHub Sponsors PayPal Development Status frp is currently under development. You can try the latest release version in the master branch, or use the dev branch to access the version currently in development. We are currently working on version 2 and attemp...