frpconnection write timeoutFRPConnection的write超时是指在使用FRP连接进行数据传输时,如果在指定的超时时间内FRPConnection的write超时是指在使用FRP连接进行数据传输时,如果在指定的超时时间内没有完成写入操作,那么将会抛出一个超时异常。这通常发生在网络延迟较高或者服务器处理速度较慢的情况下。 为了解决这个问题,你...
health_check_timeout_s = 3 [web02] type = https local_ip = local_port = 8000 use_encryption = false use_compression = false subdomain = web01 custom_domains = # if not empty, frpc will use proxy protocol to transfer connection info to your local ...
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade"; proxy_connect_timeout 7d; proxy_send_timeout 7d; proxy_read_timeout 7d; } # 防止爬虫抓取 if ($http_user_agent ~* "360Spider|JikeSpider|Spider|spider|bot|Bot|2345Explorer|curl|wget|webZIP|qihoobot|Baiduspider|G...
# The maximum amount of time a dial to server will wait for a connect to complete. Default value is 10 seconds. # dial_server_timeout = 10 # dial_server_keepalive specifies the interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection between frpc and frps. # If negative, keep...
default is true# transport.tcpMux = true# Specify keep alive interval for tcp mux.# only valid if tcpMux is true.# transport.tcpMuxKeepaliveInterval = 60# tcpKeepalive specifies the interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection between frpc and frps.# If negative, keep...
2017/10/30 10:54:25 [W] [proxy.go:73] [92bf51ccdc90d560] [tomcatcu8013] failed to get work connection: timeout trying to get work connection 2017/10/30 10:54:27 [W] [control.go:172] [92bf51ccdc90d560] timeout trying to get work connection ...
对于没有公网 IP 的内网用户来说,远程管理或在外网访问内网机器上的服务是一个问题。之前一直用最简单的nc做反代,折腾了几次之后迁移到FRP上面了;记录一下ABC; 内网穿透工具 FRP,FRP 全名:Fast Reverse Proxy。 项目地址: ...
# Health check connection timeouthealthCheck.timeoutSeconds = 3# If continuous failed in 3 times, the proxy will be removed from frpshealthCheck.maxFailed = 3# every 10 seconds will do a health checkhealthCheck.intervalSeconds = 10# additional meta info for each proxymetadatas.var1 = "abc...
proxy_pass;proxy_set_header Host $host:80;proxy_set_headerX-Real-IP$remote_addr;proxy_set_headerX-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;proxy_set_header Connection"upgrade";proxy_connect_timeout 7d;proxy_send_timeout 7d;proxy...
proxy_set_header Connection"upgrade"; proxy_connect_timeout7d; proxy_send_timeout7d; proxy_read_timeout7d; }# 防止爬虫抓取if($http_user_agent ~*"360Spider|JikeSpider|Spider|spider|bot|Bot|2345Explorer|curl|wget|webZIP|qihoobot|Baiduspider|Googlebot|Googlebot-Mobile|Googlebot-Image|Mediapartners...