PURPOSE:To produce the subject frozen salmon roe free from deterioration of quality and excellent in food hyginene and handling by immersing salmon roe in an alcohol solution (cooling medium), freezing the roe into the central part thereof in a short time, weighting, subdividing, packing and ...
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SALMON ROE FROZEN IN BARPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide salmon roe frozen in a bar form so that it may readily be used as an ingredient for thick Sushi (vinegard rice with ingredients) rolls or thin Sushi rolls.IRIFUNE TOMOHIRO入船 友裕...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a device for thawing/blood-removing frozen salted salmon roe reducing costs through improving the finished color of a salted salmon roe product, improving a yield ratio, and reducing manufacturing time.HONMA YASUYUKI...