These are some of the best vegan recipe boxes and best vegan meal boxes UK wide. Whether you’re looking for make your own meals with the help of a kit or want the ease of frozen vegan prepared meals delivered, there are plenty of choices from all-vegan companies like AllPlants and vega...
Never thought about premade bags with all ingredients together. This is great idea! Thank you for sharing. Reply Hashimotosvictim says December 27, 2014 at 5:59 am It’s not recommended to consume large quantities of some raw vegetables, including spinach. That could be the reason why it’...
There’s something about those cheerfully forced “midweek meals” that womens’ magazines regularly publish that seem so, well, cheerfully forced. In my line of work I am exposed to a lot of womens’ mags and though I keep a keen eye out, it has been a long time since I’ve been in...