Frozen Heart Fried Ice Cream(冻心炸冰淇淋)是全球独家炸冰淇淋连锁品牌。 Frozen Heart 传承意式冰淇淋制作工艺,不断创新,提升口味和整体口感。金黄酥脆的吐司裹着优质的手工冰淇淋。咬上一口,幸福的味道立刻在舌尖绽放。冻心炸冰淇淋甚至被世界冰淇淋大师誉为“天赐美味”! 冻心炸...
新加坡|Frozen Heart Fried Ice Cream 冻心炸冰淇淋 来自湾湾的油炸冰淇淋 特制鲜奶吐司炸得金黃酥脆 包裹着绵密滑顺的冰淇淋一口咬下去 表面微酥 冰火两重 比想象中好吃得多 真的会“动心”!! 有六种口味 ...
Frozen Heart Fried Ice Cream | #新加坡探城记# 新加坡星耀樟宜里有一家特别的“冻心”冰淇淋店。现点现做趁热吃!6种口味的冰淇淋包裹在鲜奶吐司里,压出不同形状,下锅油炸至金黄酥脆,吃的时候是冰火两重天,却又让人忍不住一口接着一口。📍 Frozen Heart Fried Ice Cream,Jewel Changi Airport,B2-258 L...
Rockin’ Back Inside My Heart by Julee Cruise. I’m re-watching Twin Peaks with my brother (who’s watching it for the first time) and, well, there’s never a wrong time to be reminded of this song, which is simply one of the best songs in the world! Lot’s Wife from the Broad...
Discusses the growth of the ice cream industry in the United States as of August 2001. Increase in sales of the industry in 2000; Products offered by Good-Humor-Breyers; Information on the M&M range of ice cream tubs from Dreyers; Challe... ...
...frozendesserts like ice cream. 冰激凌等冷冻甜品 柯林斯高阶英语词典 He put one hand up to hisfrozenface... 他用一只手捂在冰冷的脸上。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 I'mfrozento the bone out here. 我在这里快冻死了。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 One boy, aged about 11, looksfrozenwith fright... ...
Her blood pressure was 160/70, heart rate 130 beats per minute sinus rhythm. Auscultation of the chest revealed numerous high pitched rhonchi. She was given high flow oxygen by mask, intravenous aminophylline 250 mg, intravenous hydrocortisone 100mg and salbutamol by nebulizer with good effect. ...
Define frozen yogurt. frozen yogurt synonyms, frozen yogurt pronunciation, frozen yogurt translation, English dictionary definition of frozen yogurt. n. A frozen dessert made from yogurt, milk, and sweeteners. American Heritage® Dictionary of the Engl
It is shown that if she strikes a living being directly with her magic, the victim will not only freeze to death and transform into an ice statue. While the impact of the curse can be negated if the magic affects the mind, the heart is the most vulnerable and if this is the case,...
3. (食物)冷冻的Frozen food has been preserved by being kept at a very low temperature. e.g. Frozen fish is a very healthy convenience food.冻鱼是非常健康的方便食品。e.g. ...frozen desserts like ice cream.冰激凌等冷冻甜品 4. (人或身体某部位)冻坏的,冻僵的If you say that you are fro...