例如,“A frown appeared on her face.”(她的脸上露出了皱眉的表情)。 短语搭配: frown upon/on:表示“对某事不满或反对”。例如,“The company frowns on such behavior.”(公司对此类行为表示不满)。 frown lines:意为“皱眉纹”。 例句: “A frown creased her forehead.”(她皱紧眉头。) “A ...
Objective : To remove glabellarfrown linesand crows lines using brow lift which improve beautify face.───目的: 利用抬眉术切口,去除眉间皱纹及鱼尾纹,提高面部年青化手术效果. If you are one of the unfortunate people who frown or squint while they are concentrating at the screen then, over time...
to bring your eyebrows together so that there are lines on your face above your eyes, often while turning the corners of your mouth downwards, showing that you are annoyed, worried, sad, or thinking hard: 皱眉,蹙额 frown atShe frowned at me, clearly annoyed.她皱着眉头看着我,显然是生气了...
可数名词 Frown is also a noun. 皱眉状态 There was a deep frown on the boy's face. 那个男孩的脸上有深皱眉的表情。英英释义 frown[fraun] n. 1 a facial expression of dislike or displeasure 同义词: scowl v. 1 look angry or sullen, wrinkle one's forehead, as if to signal disapp...
Many people find that frown lines between their eyebrows make them look angry or serious, even when they don’t feel that way. You may worry that the appearance of these “11 lines” gives people a false impression of your personality. You may not like having deep lines on your face and...
Also known as the 11’s, frown lines are characterized by the lines between the brows. These lines generally appear when you are angry, giving them their name. However, often times these unwanted lines also appear above the brow and around the eyes.
frown [fraʊn] 以下由轻松背单词网站提供 单词级别 第5级 基本释义 vi.皱眉,不满,用皱眉对…表示不满(at);n.皱眉,蹙额 英英释义 to bring your eyebrows together so that there are lines on your face above your eyes to show that you are annoyed or worried ...
By relaxing the muscles that cause frown lines, you can face the world with a more relaxed, youthful appearance. The treatment takes minutes and results can last for months. Our Cosmetic Concierge team is at your service. Call us for additional information or to schedule your consultation with...
a serious, angry or worried expression on a person's face that causes lines on their forehead皱眉;蹙额 She looked up with a puzzled frown on her face.她抬头望着,满脸困惑,双眉紧锁。 a slight frown of disapproval/concentration略有不赞成的脸色;因专注而眉头微皱Free...
a frown creased her [face, brow, forehead] with a frown of concentration always has a frown on her face with a [slight, small, puzzled] frown has a permanent frown on her face what is that frown for? what's with the big frown?