Added the ability to select the render device the viewport will use (From options) Added the ability to merge ShaderBlockDepot changes from multiple mods Fixed issue with exporting BFV meshes with skeletons Mod manager will now show legacy file changes by name (rather than random chunk ids) Mod...
This is a unified framework for the FrostyToolsuite supporting cross-platform application for Windows, Linux, and macOS Setup Clone the repository. Install required dependencies using your .NET CLI or preferred IDE. Run the project using dotnet run. Requirements .NET SDK version 8.0 or higher Aval...
Cross-platform, Unified UI Framework for FrostyToolsuite FrostyMeshPluginPublic People This organization has no public members. You must be a member to see who’s a part of this organization. Top languages C#TypeScript Most used topics
Enter "Frosty Tool Suite", a tool that has opened new doors for modding Mass Effect: Andromeda, Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, Star Wars Battlefront (2015), and Dragon Age: Inquisition. With a recent surge in mods for games supported by FrostyTS, we decided to take a minute to catch up ...
About this mod This Frosty Tool Suite Plugin aims to fix situations, where mods do not appear in-game. Share Requirements Permissions and credits Mirrors DISCLAIMER: I am not the owner nor author of the aforementioned fix. All credits should go to contributors Versions, available on ...
Frosty更新了V..https://github.com去/掉wavebend去/掉FrostyToolsuite去/掉releases目前可以替换贴图,导出模型,但目前无法替换模型,还可以编辑EBX(类似寒霜引擎的节点)Encryption Key的话在这里生成:https://www.fifermods.com去/掉frosty-key
资源说明 资源说明: 质量效应:仙女座 Frosty Mod管理工具 v1.0.2b,由“N网 - GalaxyMan2015”制作,MEA专用的Mod管理工具,可以导入导出Mod,也可以使用Frosty Editor自己编辑一些想要的东西,喜欢摸索就适合你,本站提供质量效应:仙女座Frosty工具,需要的玩家不要错过哦! 资源详情: Frosty Tool Suite The frosty tool...
github发布地址:安装方法: 启动FrostyModManager.exe 它应该会自动检测您的 DATV 安装 如果没有,请单击“Add”按钮并定位您的 DragonAgeTheVeilguard.exe 文件 安装需要输入密钥,复制粘贴ENCRYPTION KEY中的内容。它...
08 用最新版的 我现在就用了1.0.4.5了,但...
Download FI XVII FROSTY TOOL SUITE 1.0.3a2 - INTERIM FIX - Solve starting game issue in many Win & Game Ver. This is a mod for FIFA 17 video game. IMPORTANT : This mod was created to be used only with a legal copy of the game.FIFA...