#ebe3d2 HTML / CSS Code Examples Hex RGB HSL #ebe3d2 foreground Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.Vincent Van Gogh <p style="color: #ebe3d2">…</p> #ebe3d2 background Art must be an expression of love or it is nothing.Marc Chagall <p style="ba...
Defines colours for use in conjunction withtodo-tree.highlights.useColourSchemeto colour highlights. Colours can be defined in the same way as other colours (e.g. hex code, theme names, etc.). If there are more tags than colours, the sequence is repeated. ...
From rotate(0deg) scale(1) to rotate(1000deg) scale(5) is fine. Color animations don't support named values like "red" or hex values like "#ff0000". Instead, you have to use rgb(), rgba(), hsl() and hsla(). Don't worry, there's a skrollr plugin for IE < 9 to support h...
If you want to just use neutrals, head back to theColor tool, chose the “shades” color harmony, then type “FFFFFF” into the first box (which is the hex code for pure white). You can then drag the very bottom slider under that box around to use a slightly gray version of white...