Because of the positions of talents in the new Frost Mage tree in 11.1, having freedom to spec becomes very difficult. You need to allocate a certain amount to certain abilities just to get to the next tier, so it will become a thing of only having 1 build that works. Which I am ...
I want to start by saying, I have over 20,000 hours of /played on Frost Mage in 2v2 arena mostly. I am going to start from the top of the Mage tree on the left side and then work on the Frost Tree on the right side. Then touch on Hero talents, PvP talents, Frost Mastery and...
Slow ticking and cant speed them up with haste (only through talents) and it would take a while to kill them. Even if we want to look now Virulent Plague is only about 1% of your overall dps. The rest is Clawing Shadows and Death Coil (ignoring the massive dps contribution that the ...