Our guild environment/community is like back in the glory days of WotLK. A mature atmosphere free of stress, vulgarity, discrimination, and all that other toxic stuff is our top priority. We are more than just raiding and focus on building gaming friendships with like minded adults. We are ...
"death_coil" ) spec:RegisterOptions( { enabled = true, aoe = 3, cycle = false, nameplates = true, nameplateRange = 10, rangeFilter = false, damage = true, damageDots = false, damageExpiration = 8, potion = "potion_of_spectral_strength", package = "Frost DK", } ) spec...
Our raid team is one of three within the larger guild of <Karma Horde>, which was formed back during WotLK. As such, the guild and Discord are very active and social. There are always people around online and in-game. The community atmosphere is welcoming and friendly to players of all...
Will consider any class and spec, but currently are targeting the following. Boomkin - high Warlock - high Hunter - high mage - medium DK - medium Again, all applicants are welcome and exceptional players outside of these classes will definitely be considered. ...
I have ben raiding in wow since WOTLK and am looking to get into some of the harder content. My goal would be to get cutting edge for the next tier. I’m looking for a semi serious /serious mythic Guild. While I don’t have much raiding experience past heroic 3/8m this tier. I ...