Rune of the Fallen Crusader: the staple Runeforge for Frost Death Knights, you will always see this Runeforge used in both Mythic+ and Raid content. Rune of Razorice: this Runeforge is used for some Dual-Wield builds. It allows you to gain a lot of benefit fromShattering Blade. ...
Raid Guides Kurog Grimtotem Guide Dathea Guide Sennarth, the Cold Breath Guide Terros Guide ABOUT THE AUTHOR This guide has been written by Bicepspump, a semi-hardcore player raiding with Pescorus on Kazzak. He is heavily involved in the DK DPS theorycrafting community, testing hyop...
BiS from heroics 2H BiS DW BiS Ok guys it's Xentrus here again and this time I will give you a written guide on how to play Frost DK. I will keep a format similar to the guy who already made a guide for blood DK. For people who haven't checked that out yet, it's basically ...
Raid Guides The Primal Council Guide Dathea Guide Vault of the Incarnates Raid Guide Broodkeeper Diurna Guide ABOUT THE AUTHOR This guide has been written by Kuni, one of the best Frost Mages in the world, who raids in Mortal Desire. SUPPORT OUR WRITERS FROM THE MAGE FORUMS Frost...
Raid Guides Eranog Guide Raszageth Guide Sennarth, the Cold Breath Guide Kurog Grimtotem Guide ABOUT THE AUTHOR This guide has been written by Kuni, one of the best Frost Mages in the world, who raids in Mortal Desire. SUPPORT OUR WRITERS FROM THE MAGE FORUMS Frost Mage - ...