BiS from heroics 2H BiS DW BiS Ok guys it's Xentrus here again and this time I will give you a written guide on how to play Frost DK. I will keep a format similar to the guy who already made a guide for blood DK. For people who haven't checked that out yet, it's basically ...
Frost DK BiS and Gear Frost DK Stat Priority Frost DK Enchants and Gems 7. Frost Death Knight Viability in The War Within Frost Death Knight is 100% viable in The War Within. We have great cleave and do solid single-target damage. We are also incredibly tanky, something that is great...
Rune of the Fallen Crusader: the staple Runeforge for Frost Death Knights, you will always see this Runeforge used in both Mythic+ and Raid content. Rune of Razorice: this Runeforge is used for some Dual-Wield builds. It allows you to gain a lot of benefit fromShattering Blade. ...
A WoW Trial + 4 Hours = Infinite Timereaver?? Patch 11.1 First Release Candidate Build Class Tuning Liberation of Undermine: Datamined Raid Epilogue: Big Changes Coming for Goblins! Patch 11.1 Release Candidate Arrives: Is the Release Set for February 25?PATH...