Research Impact Score*: 18.4 Impact Factor: 2.6 SCIMAGO SJR: 0.8 SCIMAGO H-index: 184 Research Ranking (Psychology) 7 Number of Best scientists*: 2014 Documents by best scientists*: 3416 Journal Information ISSN: 1664-1078 Publisher: Editors-in-Chief: Axel Cleeremans Journal ...
publishing rigorously peer-reviewed research across the psychologic sciences, from clinical research to cognitive science, from perception to consciousness from imaging studies to human factors, and from animal cognition to social psychology.Impact Factor:...
影响因子(Impact Factor), 简称IF,是科睿唯安(Clariate Analytics)发布的期刊引证报告(Journal Citat...
紧接着在3月28日发布消息称,将又一大开源出版商Frontiers旗下的199本期刊全部列入掠夺性期刊名单,包括51本SCIE期刊和4本SSCI 期刊。 图片来源:Predatory Reports “掠夺性期刊”是指以收取版面费盈利为目的期刊,其会故意使用和知名期刊类似的刊名、假造很高的期刊影响因子(Impact Factor)、与知名会议选在同一天举办...
6月29日,2019年度SCI影响因子(Impact Factor,IF)出炉。 排名第一的仍然是神刊 CA-A CANCER JOURNAL FOR CLINICIANS,影响因子达到292.278。 2019年度5分以上期刊共有1017本,而2018年度为1006本。 三大刊(Nature、Science、Cell)2019年度影响因子 期刊名称2018年IF2019年IF NATURE 43.0642.778 SCIENCE41.03741.845 CEL...
and has an impact factor of 2.323 ( The Quartile of Frontiers in Psychology is Q2( Submission open ...
The psychology of chronic post-surgical pain: new frontiers in risk factor identification, prevention and management. Br J Pain 2017;11:169-77.WEINRIB AZ,AZAM MA,BIRNIE KA,et al. The psy- chology of chronic post-surgical pain:new frontiers in risk factor identification,prevention and ...
documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) ...
spreventionwith mTOR inhibitors. or withcarnivorous diet, for same purpose. Actually, according to Frontiers such diet can also cure anorexia, a disorder which, who knew, isrelated to hedgehogs’ hibernation. In this regard, as aside: just stay away fromFrontiers in Psychology. Just do it,...
Frontiers in Psychology(心理学前沿)3. Psychiatria Danubina(多瑙河精神病学)4. Frontiers in Public Health(公共卫生前沿)5. Environmental Science and Pollution Research(环境科学与污染研究)6. Land(土地)7. Journal of Family and Economic Issues(家庭与经济问题杂志)8. Social Behavior and Personality(社会...