通过对Frontiers in Genetic近期已发表文章审稿速度的抽样统计,大部分文章的审稿周期都是在3个月左右便可接受,相对符合官网给出的周期,最快竟然3天即可接收,最慢也仅仅需要4个多月,虽审稿差异有点大,不过整体算是比较快。 版面费 Frontiers in Genetics是一份开放获取期刊,因此不收取任何订阅费或版面费。然而,作者...
2、影响因子与自引率 Frontiers in Genetics,最新影响因子为4.772,影响因子趋势稳定,CiteScore为4.9分。 图片来源:JCR 3、自引率 Frontiers in Genetics最新自引率约为5.62%。近五年的自引率趋势波动较大,整体上,未触碰自引率的警戒线(2020年除外)。 图片来源:JCR 图片来源:Paper助手(http://www.paper-assistan...
in the function and variability of the genome, the use of genetic and genomic tools and the analysis of the genetic basis of various biological phenomena. Frontiers in Genetics covers the areas of research in the specialty sections outlined below. All specialty sections are open-access and ...
Frontiers in Genetic官网显示最新影响因子为4.772分,影响因子虽然之前有所下降,但是近两年又迅速上升,预计明年有可能会突破5分。 02 费用 根据Frontiers in Genetic官网显示: A型文章:原创研究,系统综述,方法,综述,政策和实践综述,假设与理论,临床试验,分类,注册报告,技术和代码,研究方案(3225美元) B类文章:迷你评论...
in the function and variability of the genome, the use of genetic and genomic tools and the analysis of the genetic basis of various biological phenomena. Frontiers in Genetics covers the areas of research in the specialty sections outlined below. All specialty sections are open-access and ...
in the function and variability of the genome, the use of genetic and genomic tools and the analysis of the genetic basis of various biological phenomena. Frontiers in Genetics covers the areas of research in the specialty sections outlined below. All specialty sections are open-access and ...
The study of inheritance and the impact of the genome on various biological processes is well documented. However, the majority of discoveries are still to come. A new era is seeing major developments in the function and variability of the genome, the use of genetic and genomic tools and the...
in the function and variability of the genome, the use of genetic and genomic tools and the analysis of the genetic basis of various biological phenomena. Frontiers in Genetics covers the areas of research in the specialty sections outlined below. All specialty sections are open-access and ...
Submissions that emphasize advancement in the understanding of the function and variability of the genome, the use of genetic and genomic tools, and the analysis of the genetic underpinnings of biological processes are of particular interest to this journal. Furthermore, the journal actively welcomes ...
However, the majority of discoveries are still to come. A new era is seeing major developments in the function and variability of the genome, the use of genetic and genomic tools and the analysis of the genetic basis of various biological phenomena....