In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on energy research and innovation to address the global challenges of climate change and energy sustainability. Frontiers in Energy Research serves as a platform to explore and present cutting-edge research in the field. 2. Energy Generation and ...
本人目前作为客座编辑承办了开源期刊frontiers in energy research的一期专刊,题为 advanced materials for electrochemical energy storage and conversion。编辑团队鼓励具备相关科研背景的国内科研团队来稿。 【期刊简介】 frontiers in energy research是frontiers杂志社系列期刊之一,已被sci收录,2020年首个影响因子为2.745,当...
突触神经科学:Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience和Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience分别以1和0的影响因子在突触神经科学和系统神经科学领域内展现卓越成果。兽医科学:Frontiers in Veterinary Science以6的CiteScore在兽医科学领域内受到认可。此外,还提供了Frontiers期刊的投稿流程简介,包括注册与登录等必要步骤,为作者们...
Frontiers in Energy Research是Frontiers杂志社系列期刊之一,已被sci收录,2020年将出首个影响因子,当前citescore: 3.35。 期刊网址: 【专刊简介】 英文原版征稿通知:
期刊投稿网址 收稿范围 Frontiers in Energy, a peer-reviewed international journal launched in January 2007, presents a unique platform for reporting the most advanced research and strategic thinking on energy technology. In its inaugural year, it has published pap...
Frontiers In Energy Research创刊于2013年,由Frontiers Media S.A.出版商出版,收稿方向涵盖Economics, Econometrics and Finance - Economics and Econometrics全领域,此期刊水平偏中等偏靠后,在所属细分领域中专业影响力一般,过审相对较易,如果您文章质量佳,选择此期刊,发表机率较高。平均审稿速度 12 Weeks ,影响因...
《Frontiers in Energy Research》征稿(一类核心、硕博可发)期刊类别:SCI 审稿周期:2-3个月 出版时间:2023年9-10月 ISSN:2296-598X E-ISSN:2296-598X 2022年影响因子:3.858 中科院分区:3区 JCR分区...
Research Topic Digitalization for Decarbonization in Modernized Integrated Energy Systems About this Research Topic Modernized integrated energy system introduces advanced information and communication technologies (ICT), e.g., smart meters, thus makes the conventional energy system smarter. Advanced smart me...
Frontiers in Energy Research《能源研究前沿》(官网投稿)uSCIE(2023版), Frontiers in Energy Research《能源研究前沿》(年刊). Frontiers in Energy Research publishes rigorously peer-reviewed researc…
学科分区:ENERGY&FUELS:4区 05 年发文量 Frontiers in Energy Research的发文量较多,呈持续上涨的状态,近几年增刊趋势明显,有助于投稿。2019-2021年发文量为:149、344、880篇。 06 自引率 Frontiers in Energy Research的自引率呈呈波动上涨状态,2021年自引率为6.5%。完全是个安全的数值,可以放心投稿。 07 文...