Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 fron•tiers•man (frʌnˈtɪərz mən, frɒn-;esp. Brit.ˈfrʌn tɪərz-) ...
(Movie) theatre_name, movie, date, time, num_people Sim-GEN (Movie):theatre_name, movie, date, time, num_people Train: Sim-R:1116 Sim-M:384 Sim-GEN:100k Dev: Sim-R:349 Sim-M:120 Sim-GEN:10k Test: Sim-R:775 Sim-M:264 Sim-GEN:10k Dialogue state User's act,slot,intent ...
Full size table We reviewed each sample paper by examining its research question, data collection, research design, thematic focus, theoretical purpose and citation status; this helped identify three significant characteristics of the existing literature. First, the cultural element has been consistently ...
(2007). Visualizing the signatures of social roles in online discussion groups. Journal of Social Structure, 8(2), 1–32. Google Scholar Winoto, P., & Tang, T. (2008). If you like the devil wears Prada the book, will you also enjoy the devil wears Prada the movie? A study of ...
of Vienna, Austria Making the Molecular Movie: First Frames - Coming Features, Dwayne Miller; 1Max Planck Res. Dept. for Structural Dynamics, Hamburg; 2 Univ. of Toronto, Canada Electronic Coherence and Structure of Biological Aggregates Probed by Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy, Shaul Mukamel...
Whether traditional TV or Internet multimedia content, parental control systems based on the intermediate filtering criteria of broadcasters or content producers may be not flexible enough. From parent’s perspective, the ideal scenario would be one in which they could dynamically decide about the suita...
of Colorado, USA Laser Waveform Control of Electron Dynamics, Matthias Kling, Kansas State Univ., USA Controlling Large Molecules at High Repetition Rates: Toward the "Molecular Movie", Jochen Küpper, Center for Free Electron Laser Science, DESY and University of Hamburg, Germany ...
Since its conception, social commerce has become a key channel for shopping and in fact has gradually become the dominant way consumer’s shop. Although consumers are prone to impulsive shopping behavior on social commerce platforms, few studies have empirically investigated the psychological mechanisms...
Full size image 3.2.1Performance Expectancy Performance expectancy refers to the extent, which an individual believes that using a technology will help him or her to improve productivity of underlying task (Rana et al.,2015andb). The extant literature has acknowledged similarities of this construct...